Bruised Larynx!!!!
Linda M.
Anchorage, Alaska
My toddler accidentally head-butted me in the throat and now I can’t
even talk without discomfort, much less sing. Very disconcerting! I
have a performance scheduled in a month. Do you know if it
should be better by then?
Breck: You should probably be fine in a few days. If it’s still within the first 24 hours I would ice it like any other trauma with swelling. Crushed ice would work best. The larynx is like a little box of cartilage woven together by muscle tissue. Unless you really damaged the structure of this you should be fine when then swelling goes down and the bruising subsides. I would go to a health food store or natural pharmacy and get some Arnica. It’s magical for bruised and damaged tissue. If you fear you might have damaged the structure of your larynx, then you do need to see a doctor!!! I understand how scary that is for a singer. I won’t allow anyone to even touch my throat.
The answer to when you can sing again depends a lot upon how good your singing habits are. If you’re not a singer with great finesse then I would probably wait for about a week. If you have great control, then you’ll know when.